Monday, May 23, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Abuse of Religion & Race
Abuse of Religion & Race
*Written By Capt. Iskandar Dzulkarnain*
I am utterly dismayed that Islam, such a Great Religion, is being constantly ridiculed, not only by Non Muslims, but even by our younger generation of Malays. We keep on saying that we will protect the Good name of Islam with our lives, but we fail to see that our radical approach has smeared the good name of our Religion.. Nowadays, Muslim does not even try to hold a topic over religion with our Non Muslim counterparts. We really have no rational answers as to why our Religion is so hypocritically abused by some half baked Malays.
Perkasa wants to have the Syariah laws amended to disallow Non Muslims to enter Mosques and Suraus. They also want the MCA president and the DAP assemblywoman to be placed under ISA for desecrating Islam. In fact they want every Tom, Dick and Harry to go in. The video on Surau AL Falah is an eye opener to the amount of desecration tolerated. Sack the Surau committee and place them all, including the rest of the participants under ISA. Another picture apparently doctored, should be allowed the benefit of the doubt.
They should place their members at the National Mosque and Shah Alam Mosque to turn away the tourists. Dont just talk, start the action now. Forbid non Muslims to gaze at the mosque, just like we forbade them to utter GOD’s name. And why stop there? Mosques and Suraus must be built with the sweat of Muslims and not with the sweat of foreign kafirs. At the same time put a 50 meter perimeter, around the mosques, so no non Muslims can get near the mosque. Anyone entering or leaving the mosque must show their identity cards to identify themselves as Muslims.
Perkasa should also call for Shops and Restaurants to close during the month of Ramadan, and open at the Break of Fast. Muslims are still not strong enough to withstand hunger and will be tempted, if they see the sight of food, according to Perkasa.
Perkasa should also call for all Pubs and Alcohol and Cigarettes to be banned as it harmful to our bodies and therefore considered Haram. Ban non- Muslims from the homes of Muslims as well. While at it, All Muslims should be separated from non Muslims at the workplace, as Kafirs cannot work together with the righteous. Even better, segregate all the communities, kampongs and towns so that Muslims cannot stay together with the nons. Ban the community from celebrating our festivals together
Kick out Astro cable TV as we have too many channels of shit to choose from. Go back to TV1, TV2 and TV3. Ban the internet, as it is a western tool to confuse the Muslims. Ban the cinema and all forms of Western entertainment like in Iran. Ban women altogether from public life. Ban women from driving. Ban cell phones, ban cosmetics as we are not going to see their faces anyway. Ban women from sitting in cars and motorbikes due to close proximity. In fact just ban cars and reintroduce horses and camels. Better for the environment anyway.
We Malays love our Non Muslim brothers and sisters. Your presence in this country is a blessing. We feel sorry for making you feel sidelined. Somehow, some of our leaders think we should not mix. They think if we mix, we would be wrongly influenced to vote for the wrong party.
We are supposed to be weak morally and religiously, easily influenced by the devil, our spines are still weak, and we need constant assistance, which only our government can give us. They always say, please be patient, and wait for the scraps to fall from the table. Sometimes, when the wind blows, the scraps do fall. They keep reassuring us to be satisfied with our meagre incomes, and to be happy with one meal a day. They say when you go to heaven, there will be a big feast.
They tell us to protect Islam, these same leaders who are overweight and bulging. And after all these years, I still do not see the invisible enemy out there trying to destroy Islam and our way of life. As if I really have a life worth living!
Perkasa must have been fighting very hard alone in the last half century to keep the enemy at bay.
Lastly, the disparity with the Malays seem so huge from billionaires to abject poverty. This is such a big contrast between the non Malays that seem to have a majority of middle income earners. I scream at the thought of our younger Malay generation, so ill equipped to face the world, so inadequate to accept the simple challenges of employment in the private sector, and so stubborn not to accept that we are now in the 21st century.
The Non Malays seem so at home, with their conventional attitude and command of language, and most of them are bi and trilingual. Is that why Perkasa seems so adamant at protecting us from sinking further ? Even their leaders seem to fall into this category.
So if our leaders feel that, in order for this country to progress, we must keep protecting our Racial and Religious Rights, we should in fact then ban everything and call it a day. Better go to heaven today as saints before it is too late, don’t make a U turn and don’t pay RM200. If we continue to stay on this earth and commit more sins unconsciously, we may lose our Right to enter heaven. Simply too many Satans around, for us weak sinners are easily tempted.
With PERKASA’s ideology, we don’t really need 1Malaysia and we don’t really need to exist. It is really up to us now to make the ultimate decision. Either we go or our leaders must go.
Perkasa, Mamak Mahathir ( The pseudo Malay ) and UMNO, you are the cause of the failure of the Malay race. You threatened your own race by belittling them. Gave rotten education that retard their thinking ability so that you can control them and manipulate them, for your own self interest. The other races in Malaysia are no threat to the Malays. The REAL threat are the Mamaks.
So please : All Hail the Chosen One !
May we have peace in Malaysia for all Malaysians.
*Written By Capt. Iskandar Dzulkarnain*
I am utterly dismayed that Islam, such a Great Religion, is being constantly ridiculed, not only by Non Muslims, but even by our younger generation of Malays. We keep on saying that we will protect the Good name of Islam with our lives, but we fail to see that our radical approach has smeared the good name of our Religion.. Nowadays, Muslim does not even try to hold a topic over religion with our Non Muslim counterparts. We really have no rational answers as to why our Religion is so hypocritically abused by some half baked Malays.
Perkasa wants to have the Syariah laws amended to disallow Non Muslims to enter Mosques and Suraus. They also want the MCA president and the DAP assemblywoman to be placed under ISA for desecrating Islam. In fact they want every Tom, Dick and Harry to go in. The video on Surau AL Falah is an eye opener to the amount of desecration tolerated. Sack the Surau committee and place them all, including the rest of the participants under ISA. Another picture apparently doctored, should be allowed the benefit of the doubt.
They should place their members at the National Mosque and Shah Alam Mosque to turn away the tourists. Dont just talk, start the action now. Forbid non Muslims to gaze at the mosque, just like we forbade them to utter GOD’s name. And why stop there? Mosques and Suraus must be built with the sweat of Muslims and not with the sweat of foreign kafirs. At the same time put a 50 meter perimeter, around the mosques, so no non Muslims can get near the mosque. Anyone entering or leaving the mosque must show their identity cards to identify themselves as Muslims.
Perkasa should also call for Shops and Restaurants to close during the month of Ramadan, and open at the Break of Fast. Muslims are still not strong enough to withstand hunger and will be tempted, if they see the sight of food, according to Perkasa.
Perkasa should also call for all Pubs and Alcohol and Cigarettes to be banned as it harmful to our bodies and therefore considered Haram. Ban non- Muslims from the homes of Muslims as well. While at it, All Muslims should be separated from non Muslims at the workplace, as Kafirs cannot work together with the righteous. Even better, segregate all the communities, kampongs and towns so that Muslims cannot stay together with the nons. Ban the community from celebrating our festivals together
Kick out Astro cable TV as we have too many channels of shit to choose from. Go back to TV1, TV2 and TV3. Ban the internet, as it is a western tool to confuse the Muslims. Ban the cinema and all forms of Western entertainment like in Iran. Ban women altogether from public life. Ban women from driving. Ban cell phones, ban cosmetics as we are not going to see their faces anyway. Ban women from sitting in cars and motorbikes due to close proximity. In fact just ban cars and reintroduce horses and camels. Better for the environment anyway.
We Malays love our Non Muslim brothers and sisters. Your presence in this country is a blessing. We feel sorry for making you feel sidelined. Somehow, some of our leaders think we should not mix. They think if we mix, we would be wrongly influenced to vote for the wrong party.
We are supposed to be weak morally and religiously, easily influenced by the devil, our spines are still weak, and we need constant assistance, which only our government can give us. They always say, please be patient, and wait for the scraps to fall from the table. Sometimes, when the wind blows, the scraps do fall. They keep reassuring us to be satisfied with our meagre incomes, and to be happy with one meal a day. They say when you go to heaven, there will be a big feast.
They tell us to protect Islam, these same leaders who are overweight and bulging. And after all these years, I still do not see the invisible enemy out there trying to destroy Islam and our way of life. As if I really have a life worth living!
Perkasa must have been fighting very hard alone in the last half century to keep the enemy at bay.
Lastly, the disparity with the Malays seem so huge from billionaires to abject poverty. This is such a big contrast between the non Malays that seem to have a majority of middle income earners. I scream at the thought of our younger Malay generation, so ill equipped to face the world, so inadequate to accept the simple challenges of employment in the private sector, and so stubborn not to accept that we are now in the 21st century.
The Non Malays seem so at home, with their conventional attitude and command of language, and most of them are bi and trilingual. Is that why Perkasa seems so adamant at protecting us from sinking further ? Even their leaders seem to fall into this category.
So if our leaders feel that, in order for this country to progress, we must keep protecting our Racial and Religious Rights, we should in fact then ban everything and call it a day. Better go to heaven today as saints before it is too late, don’t make a U turn and don’t pay RM200. If we continue to stay on this earth and commit more sins unconsciously, we may lose our Right to enter heaven. Simply too many Satans around, for us weak sinners are easily tempted.
With PERKASA’s ideology, we don’t really need 1Malaysia and we don’t really need to exist. It is really up to us now to make the ultimate decision. Either we go or our leaders must go.
Perkasa, Mamak Mahathir ( The pseudo Malay ) and UMNO, you are the cause of the failure of the Malay race. You threatened your own race by belittling them. Gave rotten education that retard their thinking ability so that you can control them and manipulate them, for your own self interest. The other races in Malaysia are no threat to the Malays. The REAL threat are the Mamaks.
So please : All Hail the Chosen One !
May we have peace in Malaysia for all Malaysians.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Abuse of Religion & Race
Abuse of Religion & Race
*Written By Capt. Iskandar Dzulkarnain*
I am utterly dismayed that Islam, such a Great Religion, is being constantly ridiculed, not only by Non Muslims, but even by our younger generation of Malays. We keep on saying that we will protect the Good name of Islam with our lives, but we fail to see that our radical approach has smeared the good name of our Religion.. Nowadays, Muslim does not even try to hold a topic over religion with our Non Muslim counterparts. We really have no rational answers as to why our Religion is so hypocritically abused by some half baked Malays.
Perkasa wants to have the Syariah laws amended to disallow Non Muslims to enter Mosques and Suraus. They also want the MCA president and the DAP assemblywoman to be placed under ISA for desecrating Islam. In fact they want every Tom, Dick and Harry to go in. The video on Surau AL Falah is an eye opener to the amount of desecration tolerated. Sack the Surau committee and place them all, including the rest of the participants under ISA. Another picture apparently doctored, should be allowed the benefit of the doubt.
They should place their members at the National Mosque and Shah Alam Mosque to turn away the tourists. Dont just talk, start the action now. Forbid non Muslims to gaze at the mosque, just like we forbade them to utter GOD’s name. And why stop there? Mosques and Suraus must be built with the sweat of Muslims and not with the sweat of foreign kafirs. At the same time put a 50 meter perimeter, around the mosques, so no non Muslims can get near the mosque. Anyone entering or leaving the mosque must show their identity cards to identify themselves as Muslims.
Perkasa should also call for Shops and Restaurants to close during the month of Ramadan, and open at the Break of Fast. Muslims are still not strong enough to withstand hunger and will be tempted, if they see the sight of food, according to Perkasa.
Perkasa should also call for all Pubs and Alcohol and Cigarettes to be banned as it harmful to our bodies and therefore considered Haram. Ban non- Muslims from the homes of Muslims as well. While at it, All Muslims should be separated from non Muslims at the workplace, as Kafirs cannot work together with the righteous. Even better, segregate all the communities, kampongs and towns so that Muslims cannot stay together with the nons. Ban the community from celebrating our festivals together
Kick out Astro cable TV as we have too many channels of shit to choose from. Go back to TV1, TV2 and TV3. Ban the internet, as it is a western tool to confuse the Muslims. Ban the cinema and all forms of Western entertainment like in Iran. Ban women altogether from public life. Ban women from driving. Ban cell phones, ban cosmetics as we are not going to see their faces anyway. Ban women from sitting in cars and motorbikes due to close proximity. In fact just ban cars and reintroduce horses and camels. Better for the environment anyway.
We Malays love our Non Muslim brothers and sisters. Your presence in this country is a blessing. We feel sorry for making you feel sidelined. Somehow, some of our leaders think we should not mix. They think if we mix, we would be wrongly influenced to vote for the wrong party.
We are supposed to be weak morally and religiously, easily influenced by the devil, our spines are still weak, and we need constant assistance, which only our government can give us. They always say, please be patient, and wait for the scraps to fall from the table. Sometimes, when the wind blows, the scraps do fall. They keep reassuring us to be satisfied with our meagre incomes, and to be happy with one meal a day. They say when you go to heaven, there will be a big feast.
They tell us to protect Islam, these same leaders who are overweight and bulging. And after all these years, I still do not see the invisible enemy out there trying to destroy Islam and our way of life. As if I really have a life worth living!
Perkasa must have been fighting very hard alone in the last half century to keep the enemy at bay.
Lastly, the disparity with the Malays seem so huge from billionaires to abject poverty. This is such a big contrast between the non Malays that seem to have a majority of middle income earners. I scream at the thought of our younger Malay generation, so ill equipped to face the world, so inadequate to accept the simple challenges of employment in the private sector, and so stubborn not to accept that we are now in the 21st century.
The Non Malays seem so at home, with their conventional attitude and command of language, and most of them are bi and trilingual. Is that why Perkasa seems so adamant at protecting us from sinking further ? Even their leaders seem to fall into this category.
So if our leaders feel that, in order for this country to progress, we must keep protecting our Racial and Religious Rights, we should in fact then ban everything and call it a day. Better go to heaven today as saints before it is too late, don’t make a U turn and don’t pay RM200. If we continue to stay on this earth and commit more sins unconsciously, we may lose our Right to enter heaven. Simply too many Satans around, for us weak sinners are easily tempted.
With PERKASA’s ideology, we don’t really need 1Malaysia and we don’t really need to exist. It is really up to us now to make the ultimate decision. Either we go or our leaders must go.
Perkasa, Mamak Mahathir ( The pseudo Malay ) and UMNO, you are the cause of the failure of the Malay race. You threatened your own race by belittling them. Gave rotten education that retard their thinking ability so that you can control them and manipulate them, for your own self interest. The other races in Malaysia are no threat to the Malays. The REAL threat are the Mamaks.
So please : All Hail the Chosen One !
May we have peace in Malaysia for all Malaysians.
*Written By Capt. Iskandar Dzulkarnain*
I am utterly dismayed that Islam, such a Great Religion, is being constantly ridiculed, not only by Non Muslims, but even by our younger generation of Malays. We keep on saying that we will protect the Good name of Islam with our lives, but we fail to see that our radical approach has smeared the good name of our Religion.. Nowadays, Muslim does not even try to hold a topic over religion with our Non Muslim counterparts. We really have no rational answers as to why our Religion is so hypocritically abused by some half baked Malays.
Perkasa wants to have the Syariah laws amended to disallow Non Muslims to enter Mosques and Suraus. They also want the MCA president and the DAP assemblywoman to be placed under ISA for desecrating Islam. In fact they want every Tom, Dick and Harry to go in. The video on Surau AL Falah is an eye opener to the amount of desecration tolerated. Sack the Surau committee and place them all, including the rest of the participants under ISA. Another picture apparently doctored, should be allowed the benefit of the doubt.
They should place their members at the National Mosque and Shah Alam Mosque to turn away the tourists. Dont just talk, start the action now. Forbid non Muslims to gaze at the mosque, just like we forbade them to utter GOD’s name. And why stop there? Mosques and Suraus must be built with the sweat of Muslims and not with the sweat of foreign kafirs. At the same time put a 50 meter perimeter, around the mosques, so no non Muslims can get near the mosque. Anyone entering or leaving the mosque must show their identity cards to identify themselves as Muslims.
Perkasa should also call for Shops and Restaurants to close during the month of Ramadan, and open at the Break of Fast. Muslims are still not strong enough to withstand hunger and will be tempted, if they see the sight of food, according to Perkasa.
Perkasa should also call for all Pubs and Alcohol and Cigarettes to be banned as it harmful to our bodies and therefore considered Haram. Ban non- Muslims from the homes of Muslims as well. While at it, All Muslims should be separated from non Muslims at the workplace, as Kafirs cannot work together with the righteous. Even better, segregate all the communities, kampongs and towns so that Muslims cannot stay together with the nons. Ban the community from celebrating our festivals together
Kick out Astro cable TV as we have too many channels of shit to choose from. Go back to TV1, TV2 and TV3. Ban the internet, as it is a western tool to confuse the Muslims. Ban the cinema and all forms of Western entertainment like in Iran. Ban women altogether from public life. Ban women from driving. Ban cell phones, ban cosmetics as we are not going to see their faces anyway. Ban women from sitting in cars and motorbikes due to close proximity. In fact just ban cars and reintroduce horses and camels. Better for the environment anyway.
We Malays love our Non Muslim brothers and sisters. Your presence in this country is a blessing. We feel sorry for making you feel sidelined. Somehow, some of our leaders think we should not mix. They think if we mix, we would be wrongly influenced to vote for the wrong party.
We are supposed to be weak morally and religiously, easily influenced by the devil, our spines are still weak, and we need constant assistance, which only our government can give us. They always say, please be patient, and wait for the scraps to fall from the table. Sometimes, when the wind blows, the scraps do fall. They keep reassuring us to be satisfied with our meagre incomes, and to be happy with one meal a day. They say when you go to heaven, there will be a big feast.
They tell us to protect Islam, these same leaders who are overweight and bulging. And after all these years, I still do not see the invisible enemy out there trying to destroy Islam and our way of life. As if I really have a life worth living!
Perkasa must have been fighting very hard alone in the last half century to keep the enemy at bay.
Lastly, the disparity with the Malays seem so huge from billionaires to abject poverty. This is such a big contrast between the non Malays that seem to have a majority of middle income earners. I scream at the thought of our younger Malay generation, so ill equipped to face the world, so inadequate to accept the simple challenges of employment in the private sector, and so stubborn not to accept that we are now in the 21st century.
The Non Malays seem so at home, with their conventional attitude and command of language, and most of them are bi and trilingual. Is that why Perkasa seems so adamant at protecting us from sinking further ? Even their leaders seem to fall into this category.
So if our leaders feel that, in order for this country to progress, we must keep protecting our Racial and Religious Rights, we should in fact then ban everything and call it a day. Better go to heaven today as saints before it is too late, don’t make a U turn and don’t pay RM200. If we continue to stay on this earth and commit more sins unconsciously, we may lose our Right to enter heaven. Simply too many Satans around, for us weak sinners are easily tempted.
With PERKASA’s ideology, we don’t really need 1Malaysia and we don’t really need to exist. It is really up to us now to make the ultimate decision. Either we go or our leaders must go.
Perkasa, Mamak Mahathir ( The pseudo Malay ) and UMNO, you are the cause of the failure of the Malay race. You threatened your own race by belittling them. Gave rotten education that retard their thinking ability so that you can control them and manipulate them, for your own self interest. The other races in Malaysia are no threat to the Malays. The REAL threat are the Mamaks.
So please : All Hail the Chosen One !
May we have peace in Malaysia for all Malaysians.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Gauntlet Thrown at DPM Over Interlok Issue
Friday, April 22, 2011
Gauntlet thrown at DPM over Interlok issue
(Malaysiakini) Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yasin has been taken to task for allegedly misleading the public where the current status of the Interlok novel as a compulsory textbook for form five students is concerned.
The charge was levelled by the chair of the National Interlok Action Team (NIAT), Thasleem Mohammed Ibrahim, at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
He pointed out that Muhyiddin, who is also education minister, had said on Jan 28 that the student edition of the novel would only be used after the amendments had been done (as reported in Sinar).
But on March 23 he had told parliament that the cabinet had sanctioned the continued use of the book in schools as reported in the Hansard.
Muhyiddin challenged
"Muhyiddin Yassin was not telling the truth. We want the truth. NIAT challenges him to repeat outside what he had said in parliament, so that we will be able to take the necessary action to find out the truth, including taking him to court," Thasleem (right) said.
It is interesting to note that only Muhyiddin had been touching on the subject, and no other minister or party leaders had said anything about it so far, he pointed out.
"What about the MIC, Gerakan, MCA, PPP or PKR, DAP? We have heard nothing from them. But we do hear a lot from the people, not only from the Indians but the Chinese and others as well, who clearly say 'NO' to Interlok," he claimed.
Thasleem took pains to explain the steps that his organisation had taken since January to communicate with the government, all to no avail.
"We had, in a professional manner, raised the matter in our letters to the ministers, heads of departments and all the others who in one way or other had a role to play in this issue.
"It is shocking to realise that those very people who talk about a 'caring and responsive' government and government service had not bothered to respond to our case as stated in our letters backed with well-researched information.
"Even the Muftis of Selangor, Negri Sembilan and the Federal Territory have been conspicuously silent on this matter," said Thasleem.
'Shocking things to talk about'
NIAT had met Pakatan MPs and the youth wing of PAS to brief them on the real issue in this controversy. But BN backbenchers had been giving excuses, as did the MIC.
"It was MIC president G Palanivel who on Jan 23 asked the government to withdraw the novel. Then, they talked about the 'P' word and amendments. Now, they are silent.
"NIAT asked the prime minister for just 15 minutes to place its case before him. NIAT was informed that he had no free time till June. But it is plain for all to see that he had been having plenty of time for social gatherings.
A Rajaretnam, a NIAT council member, interjected: "The PM had three hours on end for Bollywood-style entertainment at the Mines.
"We have again written to the PM for an appointment," Thasleem added.
He made one point clear that as long as there is no reply from the DPM and others to their letters, "I will steadfastly hold that I am right in stating that the Interlok novel is contrary to the teachings of Islam."
He also issued a warning: "If no proper answer is forthcoming, we have shocking things to talk about in the next few weeks."
Muhyiddin gets one-week deadline
Thasleem took Muhyiddin to task for saying that the issue had become a threat to national security.
"What we have been engaged in is the democratic process of telling the government that what it had done was wrong. How could that become a threat to national security? he asked.
"If, as claimed by Muhyiddin, it had become a threat to national security, who is the cause of it; it is Muhyiddin Yassin himself."
He also that Muhyiddin "has one week from today' to accept his challenge to him to repeat outside parliament what he had said there.
The charge was levelled by the chair of the National Interlok Action Team (NIAT), Thasleem Mohammed Ibrahim, at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
He pointed out that Muhyiddin, who is also education minister, had said on Jan 28 that the student edition of the novel would only be used after the amendments had been done (as reported in Sinar).
But on March 23 he had told parliament that the cabinet had sanctioned the continued use of the book in schools as reported in the Hansard.
Muhyiddin challenged
"Muhyiddin Yassin was not telling the truth. We want the truth. NIAT challenges him to repeat outside what he had said in parliament, so that we will be able to take the necessary action to find out the truth, including taking him to court," Thasleem (right) said.
It is interesting to note that only Muhyiddin had been touching on the subject, and no other minister or party leaders had said anything about it so far, he pointed out.
"What about the MIC, Gerakan, MCA, PPP or PKR, DAP? We have heard nothing from them. But we do hear a lot from the people, not only from the Indians but the Chinese and others as well, who clearly say 'NO' to Interlok," he claimed.
Thasleem took pains to explain the steps that his organisation had taken since January to communicate with the government, all to no avail.
"We had, in a professional manner, raised the matter in our letters to the ministers, heads of departments and all the others who in one way or other had a role to play in this issue.
"It is shocking to realise that those very people who talk about a 'caring and responsive' government and government service had not bothered to respond to our case as stated in our letters backed with well-researched information.
"Even the Muftis of Selangor, Negri Sembilan and the Federal Territory have been conspicuously silent on this matter," said Thasleem.
'Shocking things to talk about'
NIAT had met Pakatan MPs and the youth wing of PAS to brief them on the real issue in this controversy. But BN backbenchers had been giving excuses, as did the MIC.
"It was MIC president G Palanivel who on Jan 23 asked the government to withdraw the novel. Then, they talked about the 'P' word and amendments. Now, they are silent.
"NIAT asked the prime minister for just 15 minutes to place its case before him. NIAT was informed that he had no free time till June. But it is plain for all to see that he had been having plenty of time for social gatherings.
A Rajaretnam, a NIAT council member, interjected: "The PM had three hours on end for Bollywood-style entertainment at the Mines.
"We have again written to the PM for an appointment," Thasleem added.
He made one point clear that as long as there is no reply from the DPM and others to their letters, "I will steadfastly hold that I am right in stating that the Interlok novel is contrary to the teachings of Islam."
He also issued a warning: "If no proper answer is forthcoming, we have shocking things to talk about in the next few weeks."
Muhyiddin gets one-week deadline
Thasleem took Muhyiddin to task for saying that the issue had become a threat to national security.
"What we have been engaged in is the democratic process of telling the government that what it had done was wrong. How could that become a threat to national security? he asked.
"If, as claimed by Muhyiddin, it had become a threat to national security, who is the cause of it; it is Muhyiddin Yassin himself."
He also that Muhyiddin "has one week from today' to accept his challenge to him to repeat outside parliament what he had said there.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
முகைதின் நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் கூறியதை வெளியில் கூற வேண்டும், நியட் தலைவர் சவால்!
ஐந்தாம் பார மாணவர்களுக்கு கட்டாய இலக்கியப் பாடநூலாக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் இண்டர்லோக் நாவலின் தற்போதைய தகுதி குறித்து துணைப் பிரதமர் முகைதின் யாசின் பொய்களைக் கூறி மக்களை ஏமாற்றுகிறார் என்று தேசிய இண்டர்லோக் நடவடிக்கை குழுவின் (நியட்) தலைவர் இன்று குற்றம் சாட்டினார்.
கடந்த ஜனவரி 28 இல் இண்டர்லோக் மாணவர் பதிப்புக்கான திருத்தங்கள் முற்றுப்பெற்ற பின்னர்தான் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் என்று கூறியிருந்தார் (சினார் நாளிதழ் செய்தி). ஆனால், மார்ச் 23 இல், இந்நூல் பள்ளிகளில் தொடர்ந்து பயன்படுத்துவதற்கு அமைச்சரை ஒப்புதல் வழங்கியுள்ளது என்று நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் துணைப் பிரதமரும் கல்வி அமைச்சருமான முகைதின் கூறினார் (நாடாளுமன்ற ஹேன்சர்ட்டில் பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது) என்று நியட்டின் தலைவர் தஸ்லிம் முகம்மட் இப்ராகிம் இன்று கோலாலம்பூரில் நடந்த செய்தியாளர் கூட்டத்தில் கூறினார்.
முகைதினுக்கு சவால்
“முகைதின் யாசின் உண்மையைக் கூறவில்லை. நமக்கு உண்மை தெரிய வேண்டும். அவர் நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் கூறியதை நாடாளுமன்றத்திற்கு வெளியில் கூறுமாறு அவருக்கு நியட் சவால் விடுகிறது. அப்போதுதான் உண்மையைத் தெரிந்து கொள்வதற்கு நாம் தேவையான நடவடிக்கைகளை எடுக்க முடியும். இதில் அவரை நீதிமன்றத்திற்குக் கொண்டு செல்வதும் அடங்கும்”, என்றார் தஸ்லிம்.
இந்நூலைப் பள்ளிகளில் தொடர்ந்து பயன்படுத்துவதற்கு அமைச்சரவை ஒப்புதல் வழங்கியிருக்கிறது என்று முகைதின் மட்டுமே பேசி வருகிறார் என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கதாகும். இது வரையில் வேறு எந்த ஓர் அமைச்சரோ, கட்சி தலைவர்களோ இது குறித்து பேசவில்லை என்பதை தஸ்லிம் சுட்டிக் காட்டினார்.
“மஇகா, கெராக்கான், மசீச, பிபிபி அல்லது பிகேஆர், டிஎபி ஆகியவற்றின் நிலைப்பாடு என்ன? அவர்களிடமிருந்து நாம் எதனையும் கேள்விப்படவில்லை. ஆனால், இந்தியர்கள் மட்டுமல்லாது சீனர்கள் மற்றும் இதர மக்களிடமிருந்து நாம் நிறையக் கேள்விப்படுகிறோம். அவர்கள் இண்டர்லோக் “வேண்டாம்” என்று தெளிவாக கூறுகின்றனர்”, என்று தஸ்லிம் கூறிக்கொண்டார்.
அரசாங்கத்துடன் தொடர்பு கொண்டு இவ்விவகாரம் குறித்து விவாதிப்பதற்காக நியட் மேற்கொண்ட நடவடிக்கைகளை விரிவாக விளக்கிய தஸ்லிம் அதனால் எவ்வித பலனும் கிட்டவில்லை என்றார்.
“நாங்கள் சரியான தொழிலியல் முறையைப் பின்பற்றி அமைச்சர்களுக்கும், அரசாங்க இலாக தலைமை அதிகாரிகளுக்கும் மற்றும் ஏதேனும் ஒரு வகையில் இப்பிரச்னையில் ஈடுபாடு கொண்டிருந்தவர்களுக்கும் எழுதியிருந்த கடிதங்களில் இவ்விவகாரத்தை எழுப்பியிருந்தோம்.
“பரிவுமிக்க மற்றும் மக்கள் குரலுக்கு செவி சாய்க்கிற” அரசாங்கம் என்றும் அரசாங்க சேவைகள் என்றும் வெகுவாக பேசுபவர்களே ஆய்வுகளின் அடிப்படையில் பெறப்பட்ட தகவல்களை முன்வைத்து இவ்விவகாரம் குறித்து எழுதப்பட்ட கடிதங்களுக்குப் பதில் அளிக்க வேண்டுமே என்ற கடமை உணர்வு இன்றி நடந்து கொண்ட செயல் பெரும் அதிர்ச்சியைத் தருகிறது.
“இந்த விவகாரத்தில் சிலாங்கூர், நெகிரி செம்பிலான் மற்றும் கூட்டரசுப் பிரதேச முப்திகள் கடைபிடித்து வரும் மௌனம் குறிப்பிடத்தக்கதாகும்”, என்று சினத்துடன் தஸ்லிம் கூறினார்.
“அதிர்ச்சி தரும் விசயங்கள் வெளிவரும்”
நியட் பக்கத்தான் எம்பிகளையும் பாஸ் கட்சியின் இளைஞர் பிரிவினரையும் சந்தித்து இந்த விவகாரத்தின் உண்மையான நிலையை விளக்கியது. ஆனால், பாரிசான் பின்னிருக்கை எம்பிகள் நியட்டை சந்திக்காமல் சாக்குபோக்கு கூறி வந்தனர். மஇகாவும் அதைத்தான் செய்தது.
“தமது அரசாங்கம் இந்த நாவலை மீட்டுக்கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று ஜனவரி 23 இல் கோரிக்கை விடுத்தவர் மஇகா தலைவர் ஜி. பழனிவேல். அதன் பின்னர் அவர்கள் “ப” என்று எழுத்தைக் குறித்து பேசினர். இப்போது, மௌனமாக இருக்கின்றனர்.
“பிரதமரிடம் தங்களுடைய நிலையை விளக்குவதற்கு நியட் வெறும் 15 நிமிடங்களை ஒதுக்கித் தருமாறு அவரிடம் கேட்டுக்கொண்டது. எதிர்வரும் ஜூன் மாதம் வரையில் அவருக்கு நேரமே கிடையாது என்று நியட்டிடம் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டது. ஆனால், சமூக கேளிக்கை கூட்டங்களில் பல மணி நேரங்களைக் கழிப்பதற்கு அவருக்கு நேரம் இருந்தது என்பது அனைவருக்கும் தெளிவாகத் தெரிந்த ஒன்றே. (நியட் குழுவின் உறுப்பினர்களில் ஒருவரான எ.இராஜரெத்தினம் குறுக்கிட்டு “மைன்ஸ்சில் போலிவுட் பாணியிலான கேளிக்கையை மூன்று மணி நேரத்திற்கு இடைவிடாது கண்டுகளிப்பதற்கு பிரதமருக்கு நேரம் இருந்தது”, என்றார்.) சந்திப்பதற்கு நேரம் ஒதுக்குமாறு பிரதமருக்கு மீண்டும் கடிதம் எழுதியுள்ளோம்”, என்று தஸ்லிம் மேலும் கூறினார்.
தஸ்லிம் ஒன்றை மிகத் தெளிவாக கூறினார். “எங்களுடையக் கடிதங்களுக்கு துணைப் பிரதமரிடமிருந்தும் இதர அதிகாரிகளிடமிருந்தும் பதில் கிடைக்காத வரையில், இண்டர்லோக் நாவல் இஸ்லாமிய போதனைகளுக்கு முரணானது என்ற எனது நிலைப்பாடு சரியானது என்பதை நான் உறுதியாகக் கொண்டிருப்பேன்”, என்றாரவர்.
அத்துடன் அவர் ஓர் எச்சரிக்கையையும் விடுத்தார்: “சரியான பதில் கிடைக்கவில்லை என்றால், அடுத்த சில வாரங்களில் நாங்கள் அதிர்ச்சி அளிக்கக்கூடிய சிலவற்றைப் பற்றி பேச வேண்டி வரும்.”
முகைதினுக்கு ஒரு வார கால அவகாசம்
இண்டர்லோக் விவகாரம் நாட்டின் பாதுகாப்பிற்கு மிரட்டலாகியுள்ளது என்ற துணைப் பிரதமர் முகைதின் கூற்றை தஸ்லிம் கடுமையாக சாடினார்.
“நாங்கள் ஈடுபட்டிருப்பது அரசாங்கம் செய்தது தவறாகும் என்பதை ஜனநாயக நடைமுறைப்படி அரசாங்கத்திற்கு தெரிவிப்பதுதான். அது எப்படி நாட்டின் பாதுகாப்பிற்கு மிரட்டலாக முடியும்”, என்று அவர் வினவினார்.
“முகைதினின் கூற்றுப்படி அது நாட்டின் பாதுக்காப்பிற்கு மிரட்டலாகி இருந்தால், அதற்கு யார் காரணம்”, என்று வினவிய தஸ்லிம், “அது முகைதின் யாசின்தான்” என்று பதிலும் அளித்தார்.
“அவர் நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் கூறியிருந்ததை நாடாளுமன்றத்திற்கு வெளியில் கூறுமாறு நான் விடுத்துள்ள சவாலை ஏற்றுக்கொள்வதற்கு முகைதின் யாசினுக்கு இன்றிலிருந்து ஒரு வாரம் இருக்கிறது”, என்றார் தஸ்லிம்.
நியட் அதன் உந்தும் சக்தியை இழந்து விட்டதா என்ற ஒரு கேள்விக்கு பதில் அளித்த தஸ்லிம், “இல்லை. நாங்கள் முழு வலிமையுடன் இருக்கிறோம். இண்டர்லோக் மீட்டுக்கொள்ளப்படும் வரையில் போராட்டம் முழுவலிமையுடன் தொடரும்”, என்றார்.
This entry was posted on Thursday, April 21st, 2011 at 8:48 pm and is filed under தலைப்பு செய்தி. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
5 Responses to “இண்டர்லோக்: முகைதின் நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் கூறியதை வெளியில் கூற வேண்டும், நியட் தலைவர் சவால்”
Interlok issue: NIAT Chief dares DPM to repeat himself outside Parliament
Interlok issue: NIAT Chief dares DPM to repeat himself outside Parliament 21 Apr
On the issue of Interlok novel, the Chair of National Interlok Action Team (NIAT) today accused the Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yasin of misleading the people with his lies as to the status of Interlok as a compulsory literature text book for form five students.
NIAT Chief Thasleem Mohammed Ibrahim told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon that the DPM, who is also the Minister of Education, had said on 28 January that the student edition of the Interlok novel would only be used after the amendments were completed (as reported in Sinar). But on 23 April he had told Parliament that the Cabinet had given its consent to continue to use the book in schools. This is reported in the Hansard, Thasleem added.
“Muhyiddin Yassin was not telling the truth. We want the truth. NIAT challenges him to repeat outside what he had said in Parliament. So that we will be able to take necessary action to find out the truth, including taking him to the court”, Thasleem said.
Thasleem said he would give Muhyiddin Yassin “one week from today to accept the challenge.”
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Interlok: NIAT will respond to DPM’s reckless statement, Thasleem
Interlok: NIAT will respond to DPM’s reckless statement, Thasleem
”NIAT would not react but would respond firmly” to the recent “reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement” by dpm Muhyiddin Yasin, NIAT chair Thasleem Mohamed Ibrahim said today.
Muhyiddin Yasin said yesterday that “the government will not bow to pressure over the ‘Interlok’ novel as the issue had been resolved and the final decision already made, raising of the issue again to gain support is irresponsible and ill-intended.”
For the whole saga of the Interlok controvercy “who is actually irresponsible”? Whose scheme is “ill-intended”?, Thasleem asked.
Let it be clearly understood that the dpm’s “stand on this issue is very ironical and does not reflect him as a leader of a multi-ethinic nation like Malaysia, Thasleem added.
Thasleem made it clear that NIAT would not react to Muhyiddin’s reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement, but would respond factually to reaffirm NIAT’S firm stand that Interlok must be removed from the spm syllabus and replaced with a literature book from the other zones like “Kempara Amira” or “Sutera Dalam Lukisan”.
He pointed out that NIAT’s stand is based on its research findings, which are:
1.Interlok is against Islamic teachings and every other religious teachings;
2.Interlok is against educational guidelines, text book guidelines and national educational policy;
3.Interlok is against all the races in Malaysia – Malays, Chinese, Indians and others;
4.Interlok is against UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC);
5.Interlok is against the Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia concept which seeks to foster national unity.
NIAT’s stand is further strengthened by the stand taken by the Chinese NGOs, Thasleem claimed.
Thasleem pointed out that the Chinese NGOs had stated that “Interlok is against racial harmony; that it adds to the teachings of Brio Tata Negara and Malay supremacy and it is a part of the process of indoctrinating our youth.”
NIAT had given all the necessary information which formed the basis for its demand that Interlok be withdrawn from the students. But, “there has been no explanation nor any refutation from the dpm till today”, Thasleem pointed out and asked, “Does he think that as the no.2 leader of the country he is not obliged to give any explanation to any reasonable questions raised by concerned citizens?”
Thasleem warned that NIAT will hold the dpm solely responsible for the “racial tension and disharmony” that the introduction of Interlok as a text book has created amongst the people and for the “unscrupulous manner” in which he has been handling the issue.
Dr M Bala Tharmalingam: Interlok: NIAT will respond to DPM’s reckless stat...
Dr M Bala Tharmalingam: Interlok: NIAT will respond to DPM’s reckless stat...: "”NIAT would not react but would respond firmly” to the recent “reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement” by dpm Muhyiddin Yasi..."
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Chinese NGOs: Replace Interlok
The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) says that the 19 changes to be made to the controversial textbook, Interlok, is “not sufficient”.
KLSCAH president, Tan Yew Sing, felt that the book does not project the 1Malaysia mentality.
“This book encourages younger generation to not be proud of their forefathers. Why should we project these negative things?
“Many of them (earlier generations of Malaysians) have a lot of good characteristics, but that was not projected.
“There are five textbooks being used in the central region. All we are asking is just for them (the Ministry of Education) to use a different textbook,” Tan urged.
The LLG Cultural Development Centre, which was one of the 40 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) which had jointly issued the press statement on 30 March to oppose the continued use of Interlok in schools, also supports the view that Interlok should be replaced by another more suitable book.
“The book strengthens the perception that Chinese and Indians are alien to this country,” said the senior executive of LLG Cultural Development Centre, Ng Yap Hwa.
“As long as the book promotes Malay supremacy, it should not be a textbook.”
Both the KLSCAH and the LLG Cultural Development Centre are Chinese NGOs and they clarified that they had valid reasons for choosing not to publicly comment on this issue until recently.
“We were concerned about this issue since day one, when the Human Rights Party and NIAT (National INTERLOK Action Team) came out to protest about this book. But we felt that we needed to understand, to study what is the content of this book first,” explained Ng.
“We didn’t think we should raise any comment before we read the book. It would be unfair to the writer,” he added.
“The process we have gone through shows that we are taking a very serious view and that our views are not just based on hearsay,” Tan added.
“That’s why it took us some time to respond. The issue is sensitive so it’s good to be proper and know what we’re talking about,” he explained.
The KLSCAH had previously held a forum about Interlok to discuss the issues surrounding the novel and to also seek the views of other NGOs on the matter. It was also one of the 40 NGOs which had jointly issued the March 30 press statement.
However, Dr Lim Teck Ghee, director of the Centre for Policy Initiatives, believed that there was initially a lack of understanding amongst the Chinese community on the implications of Interlok being used as a compulsory textbook in schools.
“They had seen the Interlok case in narrow communal terms in view of the misleading mass media coverage, and the initial Indian protests,” he said.
Lim claimed that they had not realised the larger national implications of the issue and hence, they at first “did not bother to go into a fuller analysis of the book and its implications when adopted as a compulsory text.”
But he believed the situation had changed now and looks forward to seeing the Chinese NGOs “lend their full and overdue support to the campaign to have the book withdrawn”.
Meanwhile, NIAT is currently campaigning for students to return their copies of Interlok as a means of protest against the use of the novel as a school textbook.
The rationale behind the campaign is five-fold. “One, it is definitely derogatory to all races. Two, it is against religious teaching. Three, it is against educational criteria and philosophy in Malaysia. Four, it’s against the Article 29 of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child. Lastly, it is against the 1Malaysia concept,” explained Dr Bala Tharmalingam, a member of NIAT.
“Students are encouraged to return the books with the consent of their parents,” says Kishur Goonasaran, another NIAT member. “It is not illegal for students to return the book. We give the liberty to parents to decide.”
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Interlok: NIAT will respond to DPM’s reckless statement, Thasleem
”NIAT would not react but would respond firmly” to the recent “reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement” by dpm Muhyiddin Yasin, NIAT chair Thasleem Mohamed Ibrahim said today.
Muhyiddin Yasin said yesterday that “the government will not bow to pressure over the ‘Interlok’ novel as the issue had been resolved and the final decision already made, raising of the issue again to gain support is irresponsible and ill-intended.”
For the whole saga of the Interlok controvercy “who is actually irresponsible”? Whose scheme is “ill-intended”?, Thasleem asked.
Let it be clearly understood that the dpm’s “stand on this issue is very ironical and does not reflect him as a leader of a multi-ethinic nation like Malaysia, Thasleem added.
Thasleem made it clear that NIAT would not react to Muhyiddin’s reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement, but would respond factually to reaffirm NIAT’S firm stand that Interlok must be removed from the spm syllabus and replaced with a literature book from the other zones like “Kempara Amira” or “Sutera Dalam Lukisan”.
He pointed out that NIAT’s stand is based on its research findings, which are:
1.Interlok is against Islamic teachings and every other religious teachings;
2.Interlok is against educational guidelines, text book guidelines and national educational policy;
3.Interlok is against all the races in Malaysia – Malays, Chinese, Indians and others;
4.Interlok is against UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC);
5.Interlok is against the Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia concept which seeks to foster national unity.
NIAT’s stand is further strengthened by the stand taken by the Chinese NGOs, Thasleem claimed.
Thasleem pointed out that the Chinese NGOs had stated that “Interlok is against racial harmony; that it adds to the teachings of Brio Tata Negara and Malay supremacy and it is a part of the process of indoctrinating our youth.”
NIAT had given all the necessary information which formed the basis for its demand that Interlok be withdrawn from the students. But, “there has been no explanation nor any refutation from the dpm till today”, Thasleem pointed out and asked, “Does he think that as the no.2 leader of the country he is not obliged to give any explanation to any reasonable questions raised by concerned citizens?”
Thasleem warned that NIAT will hold the dpm solely responsible for the “racial tension and disharmony” that the introduction of Interlok as a text book has created amongst the people and for the “unscrupulous manner” in which he has been handling the issue.
Interlok: NIAT will respond to DPM’s reckless statement, Thasleem
Interlok: NIAT will respond to DPM’s reckless statement, Thasleem
”NIAT would not react but would respond firmly” to the recent “reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement” by dpm Muhyiddin Yasin, NIAT chair Thasleem Mohamed Ibrahim said today.
Muhyiddin Yasin said yesterday that “the government will not bow to pressure over the ‘Interlok’ novel as the issue had been resolved and the final decision already made, raising of the issue again to gain support is irresponsible and ill-intended.”
For the whole saga of the Interlok controvercy “who is actually irresponsible”? Whose scheme is “ill-intended”?, Thasleem asked.
Let it be clearly understood that the dpm’s “stand on this issue is very ironical and does not reflect him as a leader of a multi-ethinic nation like Malaysia, Thasleem added.
Thasleem made it clear that NIAT would not react to Muhyiddin’s reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement, but would respond factually to reaffirm NIAT’S firm stand that Interlok must be removed from the spm syllabus and replaced with a literature book from the other zones like “Kempara Amira” or “Sutera Dalam Lukisan”.
He pointed out that NIAT’s stand is based on its research findings, which are:
1.Interlok is against Islamic teachings and every other religious teachings;
2.Interlok is against educational guidelines, text book guidelines and national educational policy;
3.Interlok is against all the races in Malaysia – Malays, Chinese, Indians and others;
4.Interlok is against UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC);
5.Interlok is against the Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia concept which seeks to foster national unity.
NIAT’s stand is further strengthened by the stand taken by the Chinese NGOs, Thasleem claimed.
Thasleem pointed out that the Chinese NGOs had stated that “Interlok is against racial harmony; that it adds to the teachings of Brio Tata Negara and Malay supremacy and it is a part of the process of indoctrinating our youth.”
NIAT had given all the necessary information which formed the basis for its demand that Interlok be withdrawn from the students. But, “there has been no explanation nor any refutation from the dpm till today”, Thasleem pointed out and asked, “Does he think that as the no.2 leader of the country he is not obliged to give any explanation to any reasonable questions raised by concerned citizens?”
Thasleem warned that NIAT will hold the dpm solely responsible for the “racial tension and disharmony” that the introduction of Interlok as a text book has created amongst the people and for the “unscrupulous manner” in which he has been handling the issue.
Interlok issue is not resolved - Dr Lim Teck Ghee
Interlok issue is not resolved
Dr Lim Teck Ghee
Civil society groups and other concerned individuals should not be taken in by Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s statement that the Interlok issue has been resolved. In fact, not only is it not resolved but compliance will mean that Interlok could well be extended from its present Zone 2 (Klang Valley) coverage thereafter to Zone 1, Zone 3 and Zone 4 in the rest of the country.
Interlok is a beach head for the Little Napoleons and other Ketuanan bureaucrats to impose their agenda of educational and cultural seppuku on a young captive audience.
Success in imposing Interlok will only encourage these ideologues to move further upstream and inject their indoctrination into the syllabus for the younger forms, and eventually in the primary school curriculum. The History and Moral subjects have already been tampered with. Currently the focus is on language and literature. What will be next?
Muhyiddin’s statement that nobody should politicize or exploit the issue by using NGOs is made in wilful ignorance of the fact that these organizations have been in the forefront of the campaign from the outset. It is not difficult for the Minister to determine the chronology of events with regard to the emergence and growth of public (but hardly any political) consciousness, concern and agitation on the book.
A quick glance at news and reports from the websites will show that civil society organizations such as NIAT, Hartal MSM and the Centre for Policy Initiatives have provided analysis and public feedback for several months now on the inappropriateness of Interlok.
The NGO concern is in sharp contrast to the lack of criticism on the book by public figures. Political parties from both Barisan Nasional and the opposition have been slow or reluctant to discuss the suitability of the book as a school text. While the Education Minister and his MCA deputy – the career politicians – have been adamant on retention, why have the educationists and other Education Ministry officials been largely silent?
In NGOs voicing our concerns on key issues affecting our nation, we do not have any political affiliation or political axe to grind. Neither are we racially motivated as Malay and non-Malay, Muslim and non-Muslim groups are equally concerned as to why Interlok is being retained when it is clearly in contravention of the Education Ministry and the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka’s own guidelines on textbook and literary work. The Minister should welcome our feedback and seek to engage with us rather than try to intimidate us.
Giving up on the campaign to have the novel discontinued as a compulsory SPM reading is the wrong message to send. Capitulating to the Ministry’s insistence will signal that we do not care for our education system to play a positive role in building social cohesion as is implicit in the 1Malaysia slogan.
NGOs and most particularly the parents should continue with greater urgency and commitment to have Interlok removed from the classroom. The government has might on its side but might does not make it right.Interlok: " Apa Masalah Sebenarnya?" Do You Really Know?
Interlok: " Apa Masalah Sebenarnya?" Do you really know?
HartalMSM has received some comments from people who find nothing wrong about the Interlok book being used as required reading in schools. Their reasoning usually goes along the lines of "The things mentioned in the book really happened among Indians and Chinese immigrants what, so what's the big deal?"
Honestly, I felt the same way until my respected HMSM colleagues decided to pick up the cause. What I discovered left my eyes opened wide.
This issue of Interlok goes way beyond HINDRAF’s anger over the word "pariahâ". It even goes beyond the negative stereotyping of Chinese and Indian immigrants. And it is absolutely NOT about the present generation of Chinese and Indians being "too sensitive".
So what IS the real issue then?
It's the dangerous indoctrination of our children with BTN-style racial prejudice.
Some people might say "Aiyaâ! really meh? Sure or not?"
So far, HartalMSM has been exposing the themes of the book. But now, let's look at what will be actually taught to our children in school.
Below are some excerpts from the Cemerlang Bahasa Malaysia website (written by BM teacher who is obviously very passionate about his job). It contains very comprehensive synopsis and lessons to be taught from the novel.
Novel Interlok bertemakan integrasi tiga kaum utama di Malaysia, iaitu Melayu, Cina, dan India yang terpaksa melalui pelbagai cabaran untuk hidup bersama-sama dalam sebuah negara yang bebas dan bermaruah.
- So far, so good. But then it all goes downhill from there.
1. Persoalan semangat patriotisme yang kuat dalam kalangan masyarakat imigran
Kim Lock dan Maniam masing-masing berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak mereka tidak lupa akan asal-usul bahasa ibunda mereka.
2. Persoalan kesedaran politik masyarakat berbilang kaum
Lazim dan rakan-rakannya membentuk kumpulan menentang Malayan Union demi menjaga maruah orang Melayu. Kim Lock juga menyertai persatuan untuk menjaga kepentingan kaum Cina, manakala Raman juga berusaha untuk menyatukan kaum India di negara yang baru merdeka itu.
- So the Malays, Chinese and Indians are portrayed as only loyal to their own countries and their own race. And they need to be organised along ethnic lines to champion their own ethnic causes. Is this all starting to sound a little too familiar yet?
3. Watak Pak Musa
- Seorang yang tidak berpandangan jauh / tidak mementingkan pendidikan anak-anak.
- Seorang yang pandai menyimpan rahsia
- Seorang yang suka berhutang
- Seorang yang suka menolong orang
- The Malay characters are characterised very simply as can be seen above. Pak Musa is analysed in 4 points. Seman (main character in the novel) has 9 points. Characterisation of the Indian characters are similarly shallow, with the main Maniam character summarised in 7 points.
Contrast with the Chinese characters: Kim Lock (supporting character) has 7 points (equal to the main Indian character and almost on par with the main Malay character). And Cing Huat (main Chinese character) has a whopping 17 POINTS. Among the characteristics of Cing Huat that students will learn are:
4. Watak Cing Huat
- Watak yang penting kerana beberapa peristiwa penting yang menimpa watak utama, iaitu Seman berpunca daripada tindakannya.
- Seorang yang mementingkan pelajaran
- Seorang yang suka menderma
- Cing Huat sangat setuju jika didirikan sekolah untuk anak-anak kaum Cina agar mereka tidak melupakan asal-usul mereka.
- Seorang yang mementingkan keuntungan / mementingkan diri
- Cing Huat sanggup meminjamkan wang kepada Pak Musa dengan cagaran tanah. Jika gagal membayar hutang tersebut, tanah Pak Musa akan dirampas oleh Cing Huat atau Cina Panjang.
- Bersikap Prejudis
- Cing Huat tidak membenarkan anaknya Yew Seng berkawan dengan orang Melayu, khususnya Lazim kerana pada sangkaannya mereka akan menjadi malas seperti orang Melayu.
- Melebih-lebihkan anak lelaki
- Cara berfikir Cing Huat masih terpengaruh dengan ayahnya yang tidak menghargai kelahiran anak perempuan. Akhirnya Cing Huat sedar akan kesilapannya apabila dia sanggup bekerjasama dengan orang Melayu dan India.
- So the BTN's propaganda themes of the Chinese robbing and cheating the Malay of their wealth, the Chinese are not loyal to Malaya, the Chinese are only loyal to China, the Chinese stubbornly demand to be separate from the Malays, the Chinese hate the Malays, the Chinese look down on the Malays, yada yada yada are repated ad nauseam in the novel and being lectured to hundreds of thousands of SPM students EVERY YEAR!.
And could this obssession with demonising the Chinese have anything to do with the fact that Abdullah Hussain was at one time a government servant for both the Japanese and Indonesian governments "both famous for rabid anti-Chinese sentiments? Too much of an assumption? Well"
And then there may be some who might say: "he Chinese last time really like that ma. The book is about integration, take it positively that the moral of the story must be good lah!"
If only. Nilai
5. Nilai Cinta akan tanah air
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Kaum India yang diwakili oleh Cikgu Raman juga mendirikan sekolah Tamil agar anak-anak India tidak lupa akan asal-usulnya.
6. Nilai prihatin
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
- For a novel that is supposed to teach racial unity, it is surprising that our young minds are taught again and again that Chinese and Indians really, really love their "tanah air" China and India.
And here is the final slap in the non-Malay face. The lessons to be taken from the novel are:
7. Kita hendaklah gigih berusaha untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidup
Di Tanah Melayu, orang Cina dan India berhijrah dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain untuk memperbaiki kehidupan mereka. Contohnya, hasil kegigihannya, Kim Lock berjaya membuka kedai yang menjual pelbagai barangan.
8. Kita tidak seharusnya mudah putus asa terhadap sebarang kegagalan.
Gagal di satu-satu tempat, tidak mematikan semangat Kim Lock, sebaliknya dia berpindah dari satu tempat ke satu tempat sehinggalah dia bertapak kukuh di Simpang Empat sebagai pekedai runcit dan menjual pelbagai barangan lain.
- This falls neatly in line with the BTN propaganda that the Chinese & Indians came to Tanah Melayu to suck its wealth and escape the shithole of a homeland they had. The Chinese especially is emphasised as having completely taken over the Malays’ wealth through their incessant, ruthless cheating and lying, so "apa lagi Cina mau" right?
9. Kita hendaklah mencintai tanah air sendiri.
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Kaum India yang diwakili oleh Cikgu Raman juga mendirikan sekolah Tamil agar anak-anak India tidak lupa akan asal-usulnya.
10. Kita hendaklah menderma kepada orang yang memerlukan sekiranya kita mampu.
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Again and again and again, the message is reinforced that the Chinese and Indians are separate and not really a part of Tanah Melayu. Instead their loyalty is to their homelands â€" China and India. The evidence of this are the vernacular schools that the immigrants established that teach the Chinese and Indian students to love China and India. (Remember that this is not any speculation on HartalMSM's part, but it is a lesson breakdown done by an accomplished BM teacher!)
Imagine what the Malay students will think of their Chinese & Indian fellow students who studied at vernacular primary schools? Then imagine 4 years of public uni where the same message is reinforced by the BTN. Then imagine those going into govt service where re-auditing the BTN courses is a compulsory criteria for promotion.
The westernised liberal adults need to realise that the target market of this book are not the affluent, western-educated liberal adults who hold on to "live and let live" attitudes. The target market is the hundreds of thousands of young Malay kids who will form UMNO's vote bank in GE14.
So the powers-that-be really couldn't care less what the non-Malays think. In fact, if more non-Malays have this "live and let live" attitude and convinces others to be the same, it helps their cause incredibly!
So forget about voting to show your displeasure when GE13 comes you may just find that in GE14 your one vote has been tsunami-ed by the 500,000 other pro-BTN votes because you didn't think that Interlok was an issue to be taken seriously today.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Interlok:BN government is still the same arrogant, insensitive and non responsive government, Kula Segaran
Interlok:BN government is still the same arrogant, insensitive and non responsive government, Kula Segaran 4 Apr | Malaysiakini
The Interlok issue has clearly proven that the BN government is still the same arrogant, insensitive and non responsive government that it was prior to the 2008 general election, said DAP Ipoh Barat Member of Parliamant M.Kula Segaran.
On 30th March, 2011, Chinese associations from across Malaysia in a statement issued said the Interlok was not only offensive to Indians but Chinese as well, as it depicted the character Kim Lock as a “miserly opium addict and callous adulterer” and his son, Cing Huat, as “cunning, greedy, unscrupulous and someone who would happily sell his daughters.”
“‘Interlok’ in its totality propagates the ideology of ketuanan Melayu. In our considered opinion, this novel is not only unhealthy but an insidious poison,” the statement said.
The statement added, “In fact, ‘Interlok’ is barely a step away from the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) brainwashing that promotes racism and disunity.
‘Interlok’ conveys the central message that Chinese, Indian and other minorities are second-class citizens in addition to perpetuating the divisive notion of a host community (the Malays) versus foreigners (‘bangsa asing’ Cina dan India).”
The statement was signed by the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH), LLG Cultural Development Centre, Malaysian-China Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Chinese Associations Johor, the Penang Chinese Town Hall and 40 others, including the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST), Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) and several Indian organisations.
Kula said, “I am glad that the group has come out to lend support to the voice calling for the withdrawal of the novel as a school text book.
The issue has been allowed to drag on long enough by a government which has declared the era the government knows best is over.
It is so plain for all to see that the novel is totally unsuitable as a school text. It is so clear that the book will not be able to promote unity.”
In the statement released d by the group, some excerpts appended as evidence of the book’s alleged racism include:
* “We eat anything. Roots if we can get them. We beg. We steal. We don’t have a daughter. If we have a daughter, we can sell her.” (Kim Hock, pp 119-120)
* Kim Lock takes Mei Hwa to smoke opium and has sex with her every time they meet like that. (p 200)
* In a big and strange city like this, people cannot be kind, if they are kind they can’t be rich. Here money becomes the measure. In this world, money is the number two God. (pp 155-156)
* “Cina Panjang says all that land rightfully belongs to him. The cows we kept are also his. My father pawned it to him.” (p 88)
* Seman said he gave all the land to Cina Panjang, and the Chinese man then asked Seman to leave the kampung. (p 92)
The Indian community has been hurt by the factual distortions and inaccuracies in the novel as well the demeaning words contained therein. Yet the government is not prepared to do what is right and necessary. Kula added.
“The Interlok issue has clearly proven that the BN government is still the same arrogant, insensitive and non responsive government that it was prior to the 2008 general election.
“It is obvious that the BN government has not learned the lessons of the 2008 general election when it suffered its worst ever electoral debacle.
If the BN government is unwilling to change its stand on the Interlok issue, then the people must be prepared to teach BN a bigger lesson come the next general election—Change the federal government.” , Kula Segaran added
Friday, April 1, 2011
Interlok: " Apa Masalah Sebenarnya?" Do You Really Know?
Interlok: " Apa Masalah Sebenarnya?" Do you really know?
HartalMSM has received some comments from people who find nothing wrong about the Interlok book being used as required reading in schools. Their reasoning usually goes along the lines of "The things mentioned in the book really happened among Indians and Chinese immigrants what, so what's the big deal?"
Honestly, I felt the same way until my respected HMSM colleagues decided to pick up the cause. What I discovered left my eyes opened wide.
This issue of Interlok goes way beyond HINDRAF’s anger over the word "pariahâ". It even goes beyond the negative stereotyping of Chinese and Indian immigrants. And it is absolutely NOT about the present generation of Chinese and Indians being "too sensitive".
So what IS the real issue then?
It's the dangerous indoctrination of our children with BTN-style racial prejudice.
Some people might say "Aiyaâ! really meh? Sure or not?"
So far, HartalMSM has been exposing the themes of the book. But now, let's look at what will be actually taught to our children in school.
Below are some excerpts from the Cemerlang Bahasa Malaysia website (written by BM teacher who is obviously very passionate about his job). It contains very comprehensive synopsis and lessons to be taught from the novel.
Novel Interlok bertemakan integrasi tiga kaum utama di Malaysia, iaitu Melayu, Cina, dan India yang terpaksa melalui pelbagai cabaran untuk hidup bersama-sama dalam sebuah negara yang bebas dan bermaruah.
- So far, so good. But then it all goes downhill from there.
1. Persoalan semangat patriotisme yang kuat dalam kalangan masyarakat imigran
Kim Lock dan Maniam masing-masing berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak mereka tidak lupa akan asal-usul bahasa ibunda mereka.
2. Persoalan kesedaran politik masyarakat berbilang kaum
Lazim dan rakan-rakannya membentuk kumpulan menentang Malayan Union demi menjaga maruah orang Melayu. Kim Lock juga menyertai persatuan untuk menjaga kepentingan kaum Cina, manakala Raman juga berusaha untuk menyatukan kaum India di negara yang baru merdeka itu.
- So the Malays, Chinese and Indians are portrayed as only loyal to their own countries and their own race. And they need to be organised along ethnic lines to champion their own ethnic causes. Is this all starting to sound a little too familiar yet?
3. Watak Pak Musa
- Seorang yang tidak berpandangan jauh / tidak mementingkan pendidikan anak-anak.
- Seorang yang pandai menyimpan rahsia
- Seorang yang suka berhutang
- Seorang yang suka menolong orang
- The Malay characters are characterised very simply as can be seen above. Pak Musa is analysed in 4 points. Seman (main character in the novel) has 9 points. Characterisation of the Indian characters are similarly shallow, with the main Maniam character summarised in 7 points.
Contrast with the Chinese characters: Kim Lock (supporting character) has 7 points (equal to the main Indian character and almost on par with the main Malay character). And Cing Huat (main Chinese character) has a whopping 17 POINTS. Among the characteristics of Cing Huat that students will learn are:
4. Watak Cing Huat
- Watak yang penting kerana beberapa peristiwa penting yang menimpa watak utama, iaitu Seman berpunca daripada tindakannya.
- Seorang yang mementingkan pelajaran
- Seorang yang suka menderma
- Cing Huat sangat setuju jika didirikan sekolah untuk anak-anak kaum Cina agar mereka tidak melupakan asal-usul mereka.
- Seorang yang mementingkan keuntungan / mementingkan diri
- Cing Huat sanggup meminjamkan wang kepada Pak Musa dengan cagaran tanah. Jika gagal membayar hutang tersebut, tanah Pak Musa akan dirampas oleh Cing Huat atau Cina Panjang.
- Bersikap Prejudis
- Cing Huat tidak membenarkan anaknya Yew Seng berkawan dengan orang Melayu, khususnya Lazim kerana pada sangkaannya mereka akan menjadi malas seperti orang Melayu.
- Melebih-lebihkan anak lelaki
- Cara berfikir Cing Huat masih terpengaruh dengan ayahnya yang tidak menghargai kelahiran anak perempuan. Akhirnya Cing Huat sedar akan kesilapannya apabila dia sanggup bekerjasama dengan orang Melayu dan India.
- So the BTN's propaganda themes of the Chinese robbing and cheating the Malay of their wealth, the Chinese are not loyal to Malaya, the Chinese are only loyal to China, the Chinese stubbornly demand to be separate from the Malays, the Chinese hate the Malays, the Chinese look down on the Malays, yada yada yada are repated ad nauseam in the novel and being lectured to hundreds of thousands of SPM students EVERY YEAR!.
And could this obssession with demonising the Chinese have anything to do with the fact that Abdullah Hussain was at one time a government servant for both the Japanese and Indonesian governments "both famous for rabid anti-Chinese sentiments? Too much of an assumption? Well"
And then there may be some who might say: "he Chinese last time really like that ma. The book is about integration, take it positively that the moral of the story must be good lah!"
If only. Nilai
5. Nilai Cinta akan tanah air
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Kaum India yang diwakili oleh Cikgu Raman juga mendirikan sekolah Tamil agar anak-anak India tidak lupa akan asal-usulnya.
6. Nilai prihatin
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
- For a novel that is supposed to teach racial unity, it is surprising that our young minds are taught again and again that Chinese and Indians really, really love their "tanah air" China and India.
And here is the final slap in the non-Malay face. The lessons to be taken from the novel are:
7. Kita hendaklah gigih berusaha untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidup
Di Tanah Melayu, orang Cina dan India berhijrah dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain untuk memperbaiki kehidupan mereka. Contohnya, hasil kegigihannya, Kim Lock berjaya membuka kedai yang menjual pelbagai barangan.
8. Kita tidak seharusnya mudah putus asa terhadap sebarang kegagalan.
Gagal di satu-satu tempat, tidak mematikan semangat Kim Lock, sebaliknya dia berpindah dari satu tempat ke satu tempat sehinggalah dia bertapak kukuh di Simpang Empat sebagai pekedai runcit dan menjual pelbagai barangan lain.
- This falls neatly in line with the BTN propaganda that the Chinese & Indians came to Tanah Melayu to suck its wealth and escape the shithole of a homeland they had. The Chinese especially is emphasised as having completely taken over the Malays’ wealth through their incessant, ruthless cheating and lying, so "apa lagi Cina mau" right?
9. Kita hendaklah mencintai tanah air sendiri.
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Kaum India yang diwakili oleh Cikgu Raman juga mendirikan sekolah Tamil agar anak-anak India tidak lupa akan asal-usulnya.
10. Kita hendaklah menderma kepada orang yang memerlukan sekiranya kita mampu.
Cing Huat berusaha dengan cara sendiri untuk membina sekolah di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka bagi memastikan anak-anak kaum Cina tidak lupa akan asal-usul dan bahasa ibunda mereka.
Again and again and again, the message is reinforced that the Chinese and Indians are separate and not really a part of Tanah Melayu. Instead their loyalty is to their homelands â€" China and India. The evidence of this are the vernacular schools that the immigrants established that teach the Chinese and Indian students to love China and India. (Remember that this is not any speculation on HartalMSM's part, but it is a lesson breakdown done by an accomplished BM teacher!)
Imagine what the Malay students will think of their Chinese & Indian fellow students who studied at vernacular primary schools? Then imagine 4 years of public uni where the same message is reinforced by the BTN. Then imagine those going into govt service where re-auditing the BTN courses is a compulsory criteria for promotion.
The westernised liberal adults need to realise that the target market of this book are not the affluent, western-educated liberal adults who hold on to "live and let live" attitudes. The target market is the hundreds of thousands of young Malay kids who will form UMNO's vote bank in GE14.
So the powers-that-be really couldn't care less what the non-Malays think. In fact, if more non-Malays have this "live and let live" attitude and convinces others to be the same, it helps their cause incredibly!
So forget about voting to show your displeasure when GE13 comes you may just find that in GE14 your one vote has been tsunami-ed by the 500,000 other pro-BTN votes because you didn't think that Interlok was an issue to be taken seriously today.
Interlok: NIAT will respond to DPM’s reckless statement, Thasleem
Interlok: NIAT will respond to DPM’s reckless statement, Thasleem 1 Apr | Malaysiakini.
”NIAT would not react but would respond firmly” to the recent “reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement” by dpm Muhyiddin Yasin, NIAT chair Thasleem Mohamed Ibrahim said today.
Muhyiddin Yasin said yesterday that “the government will not bow to pressure over the ‘Interlok’ novel as the issue had been resolved and the final decision already made, raising of the issue again to gain support is irresponsible and ill-intended.”
For the whole saga of the Interlok controvercy “who is actually irresponsible”? Whose scheme is “ill-intended”?, Thasleem asked.
Let it be clearly understood that the dpm’s “stand on this issue is very ironical and does not reflect him as a leader of a multi-ethinic nation like Malaysia, Thasleem added.
Thasleem made it clear that NIAT would not react to Muhyiddin’s reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement, but would respond factually to reaffirm NIAT’S firm stand that Interlok must be removed from the spm syllabus and replaced with a literature book from the other zones like “Kempara Amira” or “Sutera Dalam Lukisan”.
He pointed out that NIAT’s stand is based on its research findings, which are:
1.Interlok is against Islamic teachings and every other religious teachings;
2.Interlok is against educational guidelines, text book guidelines and national educational policy;
3.Interlok is against all the races in Malaysia – Malays, Chinese, Indians and others;
4.Interlok is against UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC);
5.Interlok is against the Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia concept which seeks to foster national unity.
NIAT’s stand is further strengthened by the stand taken by the Chinese NGOs, Thasleem claimed.
Thasleem pointed out that the Chinese NGOs had stated that “Interlok is against racial harmony; that it adds to the teachings of Brio Tata Negara and Malay supremacy and it is a part of the process of indoctrinating our youth.”
NIAT had given all the necessary information which formed the basis for its demand that Interlok be withdrawn from the students. But, “there has been no explanation nor any refutation from the dpm till today”, Thasleem pointed out and asked, “Does he think that as the no.2 leader of the country he is not obliged to give any explanation to any reasonable questions raised by concerned citizens?”
Thasleem warned that NIAT will hold the dpm solely responsible for the “racial tension and disharmony” that the introduction of Interlok as a text book has created amongst the people and for the “unscrupulous manner” in which he has been handling the issue.
Interlok – Fuiyoh! School Textbooks Are “National Security” Now?!
Interlok – Fuiyoh! School Textbooks Are “National Security” Now?!
Posted by hartalmsm on April 1, 2011 · Leave a Comment
by Eyes Wide Open
When was asked to comment on the demand by several NGOs to withdraw Interlok from schools, Muhyiddin dismissed their legitimate concerns as opposition politics, saying:
“The government, however, will not compromise as this involves national security.“
Fuiyoh! National Security?!
"Pull it together, soldier! There's no rest in the fight to defend our country against the "No-Interlok" supporters!"
Interlok is one helluva novel in the government’s eyes, heh?
It seems like nobody remembers anymore that Interlok started out as an ill-informed, mediocre novel that nobody wanted to publish when it first came out in 1967.
After 4 years, Interlok’s status was raised in 1971 from “only a consolation prize winner” to “worth publishing, since The Malay Dilemma became 1970′s bestseller.”
When the author received his Sasterawan Negara title in 1996, Interlok’s status again received a boost to become a “Malaysian literary classic”. (Similar to how all of Dan Brown’s other mediocre novels became instant bestsellers after anti-Christian sentiments elevated his fictional “DaVinci Code” to “historical fact” status.)
Then, Interlok’s status was elevated again to “a good story to teach race relations to youths” to justify it as the compulsory text for the SPM BM paper.
When controversy broke out over its selection as a compulsory text, Interlok’s status was pushed higher into the stratosphere with people promoting it as “a novel depicting historical facts”.
Now, when the controversy refuses to die down, Muhyiddin calls it Interlok an issue of “Nationl Security”? Woah…far out, man!!
How is Interlok a matter of national security?!
According to Wikipedia:
National security is the requirement to maintain the survival of the nation-state through the use of economic, military and political power and the exercise of diplomacy….Security threats involve not only conventional foes such as nation-states but also non-state actors such as terrorist organizations, narcotic cartels and multi-national organizations; some authorities including natural disasters and events causing severe environmental damage in this category.
What an absolutely ridiculous statement by the Education Minister cum Deputy Prime Minister! Does he really believe that making Interlok a compulsory text in schools will ensure the survival of our country?!
Interlok is merely a novel, and not a particularly good one at that. Nobody opposes the book per se, contrary to what the propagandists would like the public to believe. What concerned citizens and parents are opposed to is using forcing our impressionable youths to read the book’s sordid portrayals of Malaysia’s major races. We especially oppose our nation’s future leaders being taught that these are the “historical facts of your race’s social background in Malaysia” and that the BN-style political solutions described in the book are the only way for the country moving forward.
"Ya, murid-murid! These are the historical facts of your race's history in Malaysia. Any pengkhianat negara who disagrees are a threat to national security."
To elevate this second rate story to the point of saying it plays a central role in matters of National Security is stupid beyond bounds!
Does the government now view NGOs and ordinary citizens who disapprove of the book as “terrorist organisations” opposed to the survival of the nation-state? Does that mean we qualify for the death penalty like other pengkhianat negara too?
At this rate, given a few more years, Interlok may make it to the prestigious pantheon of “Holy Book”!
Then the fun REALLY starts because we can then have religious crusades over Interlok, eh?
But I guess that isn’t really that far-fetched a notion, seeing how certain people view things.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Interlok issue is not resolved - Dr Lim Teck Ghee
Interlok issue is not resolved
Dr Lim Teck Ghee
Civil society groups and other concerned individuals should not be taken in by Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s statement that the Interlok issue has been resolved. In fact, not only is it not resolved but compliance will mean that Interlok could well be extended from its present Zone 2 (Klang Valley) coverage thereafter to Zone 1, Zone 3 and Zone 4 in the rest of the country.
Interlok is a beach head for the Little Napoleons and other Ketuanan bureaucrats to impose their agenda of educational and cultural seppuku on a young captive audience.
Success in imposing Interlok will only encourage these ideologues to move further upstream and inject their indoctrination into the syllabus for the younger forms, and eventually in the primary school curriculum. The History and Moral subjects have already been tampered with. Currently the focus is on language and literature. What will be next?
Muhyiddin’s statement that nobody should politicize or exploit the issue by using NGOs is made in wilful ignorance of the fact that these organizations have been in the forefront of the campaign from the outset. It is not difficult for the Minister to determine the chronology of events with regard to the emergence and growth of public (but hardly any political) consciousness, concern and agitation on the book.
A quick glance at news and reports from the websites will show that civil society organizations such as NIAT, Hartal MSM and the Centre for Policy Initiatives have provided analysis and public feedback for several months now on the inappropriateness of Interlok.
The NGO concern is in sharp contrast to the lack of criticism on the book by public figures. Political parties from both Barisan Nasional and the opposition have been slow or reluctant to discuss the suitability of the book as a school text. While the Education Minister and his MCA deputy – the career politicians – have been adamant on retention, why have the educationists and other Education Ministry officials been largely silent?
In NGOs voicing our concerns on key issues affecting our nation, we do not have any political affiliation or political axe to grind. Neither are we racially motivated as Malay and non-Malay, Muslim and non-Muslim groups are equally concerned as to why Interlok is being retained when it is clearly in contravention of the Education Ministry and the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka’s own guidelines on textbook and literary work. The Minister should welcome our feedback and seek to engage with us rather than try to intimidate us.
Giving up on the campaign to have the novel discontinued as a compulsory SPM reading is the wrong message to send. Capitulating to the Ministry’s insistence will signal that we do not care for our education system to play a positive role in building social cohesion as is implicit in the 1Malaysia slogan.
NGOs and most particularly the parents should continue with greater urgency and commitment to have Interlok removed from the classroom. The government has might on its side but might does not make it right.
NIAT would not REACT but, will RESPOND firmly to DPM's Statement
NIAT would not REACT but, will RESPOND firmly to DPM's Statement
In response to recent reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement by Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin, NIAT Chairman Dato' Haji Thasleem says that "NIAT would not REACT but, will RESPOND firmly".
DPM in his statement yesterday stated that "the government would not bow to pressure over the "Interlok" novel as the issue had been resolved and the final decision already made, raising of the issue again to gain support was irresponsible and ill-intended".
NIAT Chairman asks "who is actually irresponsible and ill-intended?". He further clarifys that the DPM's stand on this issue is very ironical and does not reflect him as a leader of multi ethinic nation like Malaysia.
He says, NIAT would not REACT to his reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement, BUT will respond factually to reaffirm NIAT's firm stand from the beginning to remove INTERLOK from SPM syllabus and replace with a literature book from other zones like "KEMBARA AMIRA" for zone 1 or "Sutera Dalam Lukisan" for zone 3.
This is in line with NIAT's research findings that INTERLOK cannot be used continually in schools as compulsory text book for SPM BM paper 2 due to following reasons:-
NIAT demands an explanation from DPM why till todate there are NO explanations nor any refutations from DPM on the above findings. "Do he think being the No.2 leader of the country he doesn't require to give any explanations to any reasonably raised questions by concerned citizens?" Thasleem wonder.
Haji. Thasleem adds on that DPM is solely responsible for racial tension & disharmony that has been created by him first by introducing this novel to the main stream education and now by his ways of handling the issues in an unscrupulous manner.
DPM must understand that NIAT is all the way from the beginning support fully the efforts made by our beloved Prime Minister, Datuk Sri Najib Tun Razak for National Integration and Harmony among all races in this country.
Thasleem says "We are proud to be in PM's foot steps in his 1Malaysia concept but, DPM is destroying all the efforts of our PM for 1Malaysia, so we are sure now that DPM is against 1Malaysia".
In response to recent reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement by Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin, NIAT Chairman Dato' Haji Thasleem says that "NIAT would not REACT but, will RESPOND firmly".
DPM in his statement yesterday stated that "the government would not bow to pressure over the "Interlok" novel as the issue had been resolved and the final decision already made, raising of the issue again to gain support was irresponsible and ill-intended".
NIAT Chairman asks "who is actually irresponsible and ill-intended?". He further clarifys that the DPM's stand on this issue is very ironical and does not reflect him as a leader of multi ethinic nation like Malaysia.
He says, NIAT would not REACT to his reckless, irresponsible and misleading statement, BUT will respond factually to reaffirm NIAT's firm stand from the beginning to remove INTERLOK from SPM syllabus and replace with a literature book from other zones like "KEMBARA AMIRA" for zone 1 or "Sutera Dalam Lukisan" for zone 3.
This is in line with NIAT's research findings that INTERLOK cannot be used continually in schools as compulsory text book for SPM BM paper 2 due to following reasons:-
- Interlok is AGAINST Islamic Teachings and every other Religious teachings
- Interlok is AGAINST Educational Guidelines, Text Book Guidelines and National Educational Policy
- Interlok is AGAINST all races in Malaysia including Malay, Chinese & Indians
- Interlok is AGAINST UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
- Interlok is AGAINST the 1Malaysia concept of our beloved Prime Minister to foster National Unity
- Interlok is also AGAINST racial harmony in Malaysia with embedded principles Biro Tata Negara & Malay Supremacy and part of the process to indoctrinating our youth
NIAT demands an explanation from DPM why till todate there are NO explanations nor any refutations from DPM on the above findings. "Do he think being the No.2 leader of the country he doesn't require to give any explanations to any reasonably raised questions by concerned citizens?" Thasleem wonder.
Haji. Thasleem adds on that DPM is solely responsible for racial tension & disharmony that has been created by him first by introducing this novel to the main stream education and now by his ways of handling the issues in an unscrupulous manner.
DPM must understand that NIAT is all the way from the beginning support fully the efforts made by our beloved Prime Minister, Datuk Sri Najib Tun Razak for National Integration and Harmony among all races in this country.
Thasleem says "We are proud to be in PM's foot steps in his 1Malaysia concept but, DPM is destroying all the efforts of our PM for 1Malaysia, so we are sure now that DPM is against 1Malaysia".
Government Won't Bow To Pressure, "Interlok" Issue Closed - DPM

Government Won't Bow To Pressure, "Interlok" Issue Closed - DPM
PAGOH, March 31 (Bernama) -- The government would not bow to pressure over the "Interlok" novel as the issue had been resolved and the final decision already made, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
He said raising of the issue again to gain support was irresponsible and ill-intended.
"The government had made its decision. We had announced this in parliament and it was endorsed, so we will hold on to that.
"If the opposition parties are exploiting the issue by getting non-governmental organisations to again voice objection (against use of the novel as a school textbook), perhaps it's because of the upcoming (Sarawak) election."
Muhyiddin said this when met by reporters after handing over cash aid to flood victims in the Pagoh parliamentary constituency at the Pagoh Sports Complex, here, Thursday.
He was asked to comment on the demand by Chinese and Indian non-governmental organisations yesterday for the novel by national laureate Datuk Abdullah Hussain be withdrawn as a Malay literature textbook for Form Five students for what they claimed for portraying this country as Malay land and the Chinese and Indians as immigrants.
Muhyiddin, who is also Pagoh MP, said the opposition purposely did not want the issue to end, but to create anti-government feelings.
"The government, however, will not compromise as this involves national security.
"I know their ulterior motive and I wish to stress here that we will not bow to their demand. The lesson will go on an usual and we will improve on it."
Asked whether Barisan Nasional could get two-thirds majority in the Sarawak state election on April 16, Muhyiddin said he did not want to pre-empt.
"What is important is to ensure BN wins the election to get the mandate to form the government and continue with the development agenda in Sarawak," he said.
The aid for the 4,589 flood-affected families given out today amounted to over RM2.29 million.
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bravo brother Thasleem, we need Malaysians and NOT Malay-sian !
Dear Chairman,
We need human as a leader to listern to the rakyat. A real leader,Not the dead cow head rule the country which consist of multi ethnic culture people.Challenge until we win. great job keep it up.
try to do someting be for The ‘MIC’= “Malaysia Idiot Congress’ kill the Indian People…..
Semoga tuhan merestui dan memberi kekuatan rohani kepada pihak yg berjuang untuk masyarakat.
Hats off to you guys. There are many people with you. This is the type of leaders we have. We are not against the novel but we are against it to be a text book. They are trying to brainwash our next generation to shut up . Dear parents explain to your children about our powerful culture, language and our GREAT CONTRIBUTION to this NATION.